Andy Backer

Andy Backer

VP of Sales

Being committed to cold means our service and commitment never stops.

Andy Backer got his start welding chiller frames back in the nineties and joined G&D Chillers in 2009. As the leader of our sales and marketing team, he is approachable, a great listener and always strives to exceed our client’s expectations. When asked what G&D’s motto, “Committed to Cold,” means, he responded, “To me it means that I work with each customer to supply a system to cover their requirements and sustain their production.”

For Andy, the single most satisfying aspect of his job is the successful completion of a project for a client, which makes coming to work every day a reward. When he isn’t being rewarded in his work, he enjoys spending time out in nature or you also might catch him on the dance floor break dancing. His dream vacation is soaking up the sun in Belize while casting his line fly fishing with a perfectly chilled, craft brew on-hand.