Built in the USA
There are many considerations as well as concerns as you navigate through chiller sizing, selection, install then startup of your new chiller system. One concern that arises every now and then is the origin or country of manufacture of your potential new chiller. For over 25 years G&D Chillers has used non-proprietary parts. We use the highest quality components in every chiller that we build. Our multiprocessor controller to every motor throughout our package chillers can be sourced locally at your refrigeration supply house. If you are rural, we can ship directly from those parts stores or from our factory in Eugene, Oregon.
We stand firm behind a no proprietary build because we have been there, out in the field, waiting on a component with a desperate production manager, dead in the water with a broken chiller. Ours? Never! Okay, sometimes. The reality is we are very transparent on the issue. Take care of your chiller and it will take care of you but, it is a piece of equipment and over time you will have an issue. It is the proverbial, “not if but, when”. Now, when this happens, who are you calling? We recommend to our customers to call us first. We can usually get the chiller running over the phone. If needed, we can then determine to get your local technician out. Does the chiller manufacturer offer 24/7 tech support over the phone? If not, look elsewhere because you are going to have to make a call to somebody and it should be them. They built the thing, right? Whether at start up or any other situation, you must not under estimate the ability to communicate and get some help.
Your new chiller is going to be the most critical functioning piece of equipment at your production facility. Everything depends on it properly working. At G&D, we take seriously the relationships we develop with our customers. We are not satisfied with anything less than perfection. Our partnerships sustain our reputation. You will forfeit that level of accountability if you source an overseas chiller. Most would consider everything I’ve said here as some common sense considerations. However, from time to time, people make the mistake of letting their production rest on the shoulders of a poorly built foreign chiller. To them, here is our number: 800.555.0973. It is likely you are fed up and ready for a new, made in the USA, G&D Chiller. Give us a call, we are happy to have the opportunity! To the rest of you, keep your faith in the red, white and blue! Happy 4th ya’ll.