Proud to Partner with Companies Who Care
As the Covid-19 Pandemic spread throughout the United States many people flooded to grocery stores to gather essentials, toilet paper, non-perishable food, masks, and hand sanitizer. Causing the supply of hand sanitizer to dwindle while the demand continues to skyrocket, but more importantly, placing those who need it, in jeopardy. As a response, the FDA released specific guidelines to allow distilleries and Breweries to begin production of hand sanitizer.
One of these companies being Shine Distilleries. The Portland Oregon Distillery has experienced their operations turning upside down as their restaurant had to be closed because of the Covid-19 pandemic spread. Owner Jon Poteet got the idea while at a liquor store when customers kept coming in asking for Everclear to make hand sanitizer at home. Shine Distillery was the first distillery to start making hand sanitizer and was able to, using in house G&D chillers and material. They currently advertise hand sanitizer to the general public in a variety of sizes, including gallon, at the customers discretion. The Portland community has railed behind Shine Distillery because of their hand sanitizer production, making it even more rewarding for Poteet and his team.
Another company producing hand sanitizer is Maui Brewing Company, longtime partner of G&D Chillers. With business taking a toll due to Covid-19, CEO Garrett Marrero and his team decided to start their own hand sanitizer production. This would allow them to give back to the state of Hawaii and more importantly the local community that helped make Maui Brewing Company success. Maui brewing company decided to produce the sanitizer to sell to the first responders and then the larger community as the demand increased. Maui Brewing was brought under investigation by the Maui County Liquor Control for their hand sanitizer sales, however the response of support from the community has been overwhelming.
“To be able to not just feel like we are doing good, but actually hearing from the community that we are doing good is a powerful impact,” Marrero said.
Heritage Distilling is also stepping up making Hand Sanitizer that’s compliant with FDA regulations and working hard to keep up with the demand. In fact, their supply of Hand Sanitizer Antiseptic has been in use daily at the G&D Chillers Facility keeping us all hard at work. They are also dedicating resources to take special orders for first responders who need large quantities of hand sanitizer.
Although, these challenging times have been difficult we continue to remain positive and help assist our customers in every possible way we can. G&D Chillers is a firm supporter in being able to help contribute to the community during this time. We applaud our partners who have stepped up to help create additional resources for the community to stay safe.
To keep our people safe, we have a dedicated person who does nothing but sanitize doors, restrooms, tables, handles and tools all day long. We keep 6 feet of separation at all workstations, time clocks, meetings and break rooms.
These are just some of the measures we’re taking to keep things moving to keep up with the demand while keeping the G&D crew safe.