
Our Elite 290 propane series, utilizes propane as a natural refrigerant with near zero global warming  potential.  G&D Chillers takes pride in being the first in the chiller industry to introduce propane as a natural refrigerant offering. A safer, more effective, and efficient chilling technology. The Elite 290 series is designed to be future-proof, exempt from HFC phase-out programs, ensuring longevity and sustainability. Designed to propel businesses towards a better future.



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  • Catapults your business to the endgame
  • Natural refrigerants that work
  • Near zero global waming potential (GWP)
  • Less indirect CO2 emissions.
  • Higher Efficiency - Lower running costs

Alternative Refrigerant

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The refrigerant industry has been turned on its head recently with new upcoming refrigerant regulations. For the last 30-years we've navigated the tightening of environmental regulations - first focused on reducing a refrigerant's ozone depletion potential (ODP); and now focused on reducing the refrigerant's global warming potential (GWP). This constant progression, incrementally reducing the impact our chillers may have on the environment if a leak were to occur, has pushed our industry to improve the technology we use, and lessen our environmental impact.


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