6-Day Distiller Course

January 4, 2024

6-Day Distiller Course Jan 7-12-2024
Moonshine University
801 South 8th Street
Louisville, KY 40203
People join this event to learn about starting up a Distillery and walk you through the beginning steps to the finishing touches. It is taught by 40+ distillery operators, Industry insiders, and world-renowned master distillers. This hands-on, 6-day course exposes attendees to the realities of day-to-day distilling operations.
G&D Chillers, Inc. will be speaking at this event on Sunday January 7th
We believe that temperature control is a key factor for distilleries that produce premium products. That’s why G&D Chillers works to carefully match the precise system to the exact requirements of our clients. We have been manufacturing Distillery Chillers since 1993.